Am I wayward in my pursuing

To do the work I’ve dreamt of doing?...

The healing

The building


and making...


To take the risks I once feared taking.


To humor the heart that so long has been aching,

The one I’ve spent my youth forsaking!


Though my will shall weaken

And my eyes shall stray

Though well worn paths will appear today 

Let my word bind me, wax and seal,

With my hand held steady upon the wheel.


I am yours, and Oh road, you are mine

One part mundane, one part divine

Fate meets free will

Like a horizon line!


I have seen it there, though not with eyes

Like a bleeding sun over gaping skies

Like a ghost at day, it’s a pale white moon

Over a waveless ocean sky of blue!


And it lies in silence just beyond my reach

And I close my eyes “oh Lord, I beseech Thee give me Tomorrow! That I may wake to feel...


Once again, my hand upon the wheel.”

- Keeton