Coefficient of Fiction




(Click below to reach Keeton Coffman Spotify page)


PHOTOS & Advance Materials


“Keeton is a four headed monster,” says Steve Said (Collective Soul, New Radicals, current buyer for Dosey Doe in Houston TX).  “Great artists have three great weapons - singer, songwriter, instrumentalist.  Keeton is all of those with a fourth - he is a captivating frontman!”

Keeton has entered a new chapter. Since releasing the highly praised album, Hard Times in 2021, the formerly branded Americana artist from Houston has how traded the vintage telecaster for his drum machines, Juno synthesizer and oversized red sunglasses. 

The black and white has gone full color. The Heartland Rocker has sold his soul to a Neon Ghost. 

Still, on the stage… the Heartland Rock and Roll and Americana pulse that coursed through Keeton’s previous albums still thrives on stage, infused into the new sound.

Cutting teeth through years of 3 hour pub gigs, Keeton still loves the thrill of pulling a crowd in with a Springsteen hit like “Dancing In The Dark” or Petty’s “You Wreck Me”… the music is for them.

“Cinematic Pop” are the words Keeton uses to describe the music he creates.   His new sound is The 1975 meets INXS - they jump in a 1985 Corvette, Springsteen at the wheel, Beck riding shotgun, the sounds of NIN blasting from the speakers as they head to a U2 concert.

The forthcoming album Coefficient of Fiction, set for release in late 2024, leads off with singles Kathryn , Violet , and Porcelain .  

- Michael Andrews  


Matching the tonality of Coffman’s words perfectly, the music behind “Magician” creates a palpable mood. Brooding with a neo-Western twist—but not without a tinge of melancholic hope—the song’s instrumentation peaks with a soaring climax. While the shadow-y feel is propelled in large part by the guitar tones, perhaps the true MVPs of the single are the texture sounds Coffman curated himself.
Keeton Coffman certainly has a way with a song and his knack for soulful indie rock makes him a diamond in the DIY world of reckless recordings. Coffman shines with a tender delivery and a big powerful song structure that is an unscripted blender of John Mayer, Nick Lowe and Matthew Sweet.
— Glide Magazine, 2021
Keeton Coffman whips up a classic Americana dish with ‘Wounded Heart’. The Americana artist with a high-energy heartbreaking single…with an addictive drumbeat, guitars, and Coffman’s vocals saturated with emotion. Everything is flawless – every note is perfect, every line delivered with emotional weight, and the tone of the track is somehow bittersweet and upbeat all at once.
— B-Sides and Badlands, 2021